Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Qualifications to Become President

Here are the only actual "qualifications" one needs to become President of the United States:

  • Must be at least 35 years of age
  • Must be a natural-born citizen of the US, or have been a citizen in 1787,
  • Must have been a resident of the US for at least 14 years
  • Must garner enough electoral votes to win.
Constitutionally, that's it.  And really, the fourth point is a post-interview hiring decision rather than a qualification per se.

Note that none of these qualifications inherently pertain to morality, ethics, character, behavior, competence, experience, or political views of any sort whatsoever.  The last one implies that such things should probably matter (since they might affect how many electoral votes are gained) but certainly doesn't guarantee that. And yes, there is impeachment, but that happens after you get into office.

You can have dropped out of high school and spent the next 20 years unemployed and living in your parents' basement and still "qualify" to be President (provided, of course, you can somehow garner the electoral votes to win).

You can openly advocate any viewpoint you desire, from the most liberal to the most conservative, from the most populist to the most elitist, from the most inclusive to the most intolerant, and still - provided that by some miracle you garner enough electoral votes to win - "qualify" to be President.

Now, whether or not you will win, that's a different story.